Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Services for the preparation of a Technical Report to justify the environmental non-significance of the Expansion of the services of the Infrastructure for the Final Disposal of Non-Hazardous Waste from the non-municipal management area – Innova Ambiental “Chilca” to the management of Non-Hazardous Waste from the municipal management area, District of Chilca, Province of Cañete, Department of Lima

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Services for the preparation of a Technical Report to justify the environmental non-significance of the Expansion of the services of the Infrastructure for the Final Disposal of Non-Hazardous Waste from the non-municipal management area – Innova Ambiental “Chilca” to the management of Non-Hazardous Waste from the municipal management area, District of Chilca, Province of Cañete, Department of Lima



Fecha de Inicio

Julio del 2019

Fecha de Fin

Noviembre del 2020


The company INNOVA AMBIENTAL S.A. (INNOVA), is an EPS- RS solid waste operator that owns a final disposal infrastructure, which has current environmental certification approved by RD 3479-2017/DCEA/DIGESA/SA, which approved the “Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study EIA-sd, of the Infrastructure for the Final Disposal of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste of the Non-Municipal Management Scope – Innova Ambiental Chilca”.

In that sense; it should be taken into account that said environmental impact study, was approved in the framework of Law 27314 – General Law of Solid Waste and its regulation approved by DS 057-2014-PCM: Regulation of Law 27314 – General Law of Solid Waste”. Thus, within the framework of the new Law of Integral Solid Waste Management (D.L. 1278) and its new regulation (D.S. 014-2017-MINAM), new provisions were framed for the design and operation in solid waste management infrastructures, which must be adapted to this current regulation.

In this regard; due to a commercial need of the company INNOVA, which wishes to expand the scope of its commercial offer by receiving municipal solid waste, consultations were made to the authority.

In this regard the authority states:

– “In case the proposed modification involves the generation of significant negative environmental impacts, i) the holder must submit the modification of the EIA-sd provided that the impacts are not greater than moderate or failing that ii) if the negative impacts are high the holder must reclassify the project.”

– “In case the proposed modification involves the generation of non-significant negative environmental impacts, the holder must submit a technical report supporting to be in such assumption, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Supreme Decree No. 054-2013-PCM, which approves special provisions for the execution of administrative procedures.”

For the above mentioned; INNOVA considers pertinent the development of the present ITS with the objective of Allowing the final disposal of solid waste from the municipal management scope inside the “Infrastructure for the Final Disposal of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste from the Non-Municipal Management Scope – Innova Ambiental Chilca”.

El Problema

The need to carry out a technological improvement in the final disposal operations of the project called “Infrastructure for final disposal of non-hazardous solid waste from the non-municipal management area”, which has Environmental Management Instrument (IGA), that is, a Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study (EIA-sd) approved by RD Nro 3479-2017/DCEA/DIGESA/SA of 19/09/2017. Under this context, it is pertinent to assume that such expansions could generate non-significant environmental impacts within the area of influence approved in the aforementioned EIA-sd

Obtención de autorizaciones

La Solución AMBIDES

Allow the final disposal of solid waste from the scope of municipal management inside the “Infrastructure for the Final Disposal of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste from the Scope of Non-Municipal Management – Innova Ambiental Chilca”, by submitting a Sustainable Technical Report.

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