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2019Consulting service to establish the presence of contaminants in the soil strata located in the area where the environmental emergency occurred – Muyuriaga through the use of direct methods (drilling).
Kanay S.A.C
Fecha de Inicio
January of 2019
Fecha de Fin
March of 2020
The report of actions carried out in the process of drilling wells for the purpose of identifying the soil strata located at the site of the occurrence of the environmental emergency, which is achieved through the intervention of drilling equipment and geological interpretation support, is presented.
Therefore; an autonomous drilling rig (and equipment support) was made available to the Kanay company, in which soil drilling can be performed, with the purpose of exploring the conditions of the strata at the site of the environmental emergency of the site called Mayuriaga.
La Solución AMBIDES
Ejecutar la perforación de 12 pozos enchaquetados de hasta 10 metros de profundidad, de acuerdo a las necesidades del lugar.
Identificar las condiciones de los estratos del suelo mediante perforación y descripción estratigráfica.
Establecer la presencia de indicios de afectación de suelo por hidrocarburos a diferentes profundidades.