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2018Real Estate Survey Updating Service – Veolia – Lima East, Lima South I, Lima South II
Fecha de Inicio
March of 2018
Fecha de Fin
December of 2018
The management of solid hospital waste in Peru is deficient in terms of compliance with environmental and health regulations.
In response to the above, a Co-Financed Private Initiative – CPI has been formulated, which contemplates the integrated management of waste from MINSA health facilities in Metropolitan Lima.
This CPI was admitted for processing in 2013 by PREINVERSION, and has an opinion of relevance and priority from the Ministry of Health. Therefore, the proponent (private entity) has been preparing the pre-investment study with the PREINVERSION Formulation Unit.
Within this framework, the present area selection study (private land) is being prepared, with the purpose of choosing the alternative that presents the best conditions for the construction of the infrastructure for the treatment of solid hospital waste.
In this sense; it should be remembered that the Hospital Solid Waste treatment systems, are made up of treatment infrastructures that perform activities to reduce the hazardous characteristics of the waste coming from the EESS health care facilities, which may contain pathogenic and/or sharp materials, requiring the implementation of a treatment infrastructure that should be designed based on technical criteria that allow weighing the benefits and disadvantages of locating a suitable site based on economic, environmental, social and legal criteria.
La Solución AMBIDES
Establish the area with the best conditions for the location of one or two solid waste treatment plant(s) for treatment of solid waste from health care facilities within the scope of Metropolitan Lima.