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Pilot Plan of the Plastic Wood Project at the Renan Elias Olivera school

On Tuesday, March 13, representatives of the BCP and the ODS, AMBIDES consortium met to discuss the Pilot Plan for the Plastic Wood Project at the Renún Elías Olivera school located in Pisco, Ica.

At this meeting, the activities to be carried out in this Pilot Plan were coordinated, such as the raffle of 50 food baskets for the students of this campus, which will be carried out within the framework of the presentation of this plan. Said presentation will be held on Monday, March 19 at 12:30 pm in its auditorium. In addition, it was announced that training sessions for both students and teachers of the campus were carried out in order to convey the importance of recycling and caring for the environment through this project to other educational institutions. These trainings were carried out with the support of the Environmental Engineering students of the Alas Peruanas University. It should be noted that this project implements school furniture and waste deposits made from plastic wood to the campus.

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Pilot Plan of the Plastic Wood Project at the Renan Elias Olivera school

Pilot Plan of the Plastic Wood Project at the Renan Elias Olivera school

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