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About us?

Nosotros Principal

We are a company that provides all its services on environmental issues, to natural persons and legal, private and public; both nationally and internationally.

We are dedicated to providing advisory services, consultancy, technical assistance, development organizational and managerial. We also execute projects and works, and carry out studies
protection and sanitation of the environment.


Our history


The increase in the generation of solid waste associated with economic growth and
to the accelerated process of urbanization, accompanied by the bad waste disposal, represent
a big problem in Peru. In this context, on June 11, 2008, the Consultant was created
Environmental AMBIDES S.A.C. Environment and Sustainable Development, in order to provide services in
environmental issues, to natural and legal persons, private and public, both nationally
as international.



AMBIDES begins its activities developing projects such as the preparation of technical files,
environmental management instruments for the public and private sectors. In 2015 he carried out the consultancy
“Socialization and Validation of the National Plan for Integral Management of Solid Waste with a Social Approach,
Poverty Reduction, Gender and Youth that Guide the Allocation of Public Resources for Management
of Socially Inclusive and Sustainable Solid Waste” for the Ministry of the Environment” (MINAM).

Nosotros 2

2016 - 2020

Continuing with its activities in carrying out projects for the elaboration of technical files,
environmental monitoring and environmental instruments, in 2017 AMBIDES bets on capacity building
and with the help of the La Molina Agrarian University and the NGO Organization for Sustainable Development, organizes the
international course “Leachate Treatment Systems in Sanitary Landfills. This course was attended
of foreign speakers from countries such as Spain, Argentina, Ecuador and Colombia. In the same year, a branch was opened
in Bolivia, soon after winning its first contract with the company Helveta Swiss Intercooperation- Swiss Organization
for Development and International Cooperation.

Nosotros 3


AMBIDES expands its services not only focusing on the preparation of technical files and environmental instruments,
but also in the formulation of investment projects, operational instruments, obtaining authorizations and supervision
of civil works of waste management infrastructure. Continuing with the training of AMBIDES capacities together
with the College of Engineers of Peru organizes the course “Rapid Investments through the IOARR in waste projects
Solid” focused on the new officials of the municipal management.

Nosotros 4


Provide comprehensive quality solutions in management and handling of water, residual water and solid waste, applying environmentally friendly technologies and tools that contribute to the sustainable development of Peru and Latin America.



To be a leading consultancy and benchmark in the generation of tools for the management and sustainable management of water, residual water and solid waste at a national and international level.



Icono confianza


Icono lealtad


Icono transparencia


Responsabilidad ambiental

Environmental responsibility

Servicio de calidad

Quality service

Capacity building

Capacity building

Our Registries in the sectors



1. Autorización otorgada por el Ministerio de la Producción el 11 de octubre de 2018 en Resolución Directoral Nº 275-2018-PRODUCE/DVMYPE-I/DGAAMI y Nº 348-2018-PRODUCE/DVMYPE-I/DGAAMI para Elaborar Estudios de Ambientales del Sector de la Industria Manufacturera




2. Autorización otorgada por el Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento el 30 de setiembre de 2016 en Resolución Directoral Nº 1095-2016-VIVIENDA-VMCS-OMA, y constancia de inscripción en el registro de entidades autorizadas para la Elaboración Estudios de Impacto Ambiental en el sector Vivienda, con Registro N° 215 y Expediente 138960-2019.




3. Autorización otorgada por el Servicio Nacional de Certificación Ambiental para las Inversiones Sostenibles – SENACE en el Subsector de: ELECTRICIDAD, MINERÍA, TRANSPORTE y ENERGÍA, para elaborar Estudios Ambientales




4. Autorización otorgada por el Servicio Nacional de Certificación Ambiental para las Inversiones Sostenibles – SENACE (Ministerio de Salud) el 13 de marzo de 2020 en Resolución Directoral Nº1516-2020-DCEA/DIGESA/SA para elaborar Estudios de Impacto Ambiental en el ámbito del Sector Salud, con el código de registro REC-007-2020


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